LC8812 LED is new build In ic LED Chip , use the most advanced technology, it use 9 mil RGB chip ,
Which is much better than current bulid in IC led chip , in addtion , the capacitor have been package in 5050 smd .
as you know SK6812 and ws2812b don’t have capacitor , which mean it need less space to welding LC8812 RGB LED Chip
on the PCB , then it can cut the cost of led strip ,
LC8812 is a external controlled intelligent LED with control circuit and light emitting circuit in one 5050 components.
Each LED is a pixel, The pixel contains the intelligent digital interface data latch signal shaping amplifier driving circuit, power
supply voltage regulator circuit, built-in constant current circuit, high precision RC oscillator, and the output driver adopts patented
PWM technology, which Effectively ensure that the color of each pixel is consistent