Now WS2813 LED come out ,you can think it is ws2812b updated version , WS2813 LED can use same controller as WS2812B LED , WS2813 led have 2 data signal ,so when you use those led chip to make led strip , one led broken will not affect another led unless two consecutive led is broken , so WS2813 led make digital led project is more reliable than before .The capatior and die is packaged in 5050 RGB LED chip , then it will not need another capatior to make led strip again.
in addition Compare WS2812B LED chip, WS2813 LED have the following advantage
Integrated circuit chips enable the circuit control simpler, neater and more realiable while NO extra components needed.
250us or more of reset time, it won't cause wrong reset while interruption, it supports the lower frequency and inexpensive MCU.
Refresh Frequency updates to 2KHz, Low Fram Frequency and no Flicker appear in HD Video Camera, it help to improve excellent display effect.
WS2813 VS WS2812B
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