SK6812 RGBW LED come out , SK6812RGBW LED chip IS 4 IN ONE led ,One 5050 LED have 4 led chip inside , They are Red Green , Blue , White ,
About White ,i can be Warm white , Nature white ,Pure white . and we have use this SK6812 RGBW LED CHIP on our led strip , we have make 30LEDS , 60LEDS .
72LEDS , 144LEDS . The following is the video of our SK6812 RGBW LED STRIP
Those RGBW SK6812 LED STRIP is not only have RGB ,but also can mix color , mix white , then can make some different color from RGB, then you can
have more choose ., in addtion, when only white color is working , the white color is so perfect . clear . want to learn more . you can visit our product