Nowadays addressable led strip is more and more hot sales, but when you use dmx console to control those led strip , there are many disadvantage , such as it need decoder , and one decoder only can control 170 pixel , and need many channel . And we have develop a DMX 512 signal led strip, which signal is DMX 512, not SPI , But it need many channel to control too , 1meter need 30
channel , so how we can solve this problem ?
For our dmx led strip , only need one our decoder , one K8000D controller , then can control our dmx led strip 8192 pixel ,only need 2 channel can control8192pixel , , this is
DMX console control SPI signal led strip
DMX Console(DMX console signal)-DMX Console Decoder( DMX signal)-T8000A controller (SPI )- APA102/APA104 LED STRIP (SPI signal)
DMX Console control DMX Signal led strip
DMX Console(DMX console signal)-DMX Console Decoder( DMX signal)-K8000D controller (DMX Signal)- DMX LED STRIP (DMX signal)
